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2021 sermons


25.12.2021 | The 4 S's of Christmas

Join us this Christmas as we look at the 4 S's of Christmas, from sinners to sons and daughters. Merry Christmas to everyone and we hope you have an amazing Christmas.


19.12.2021 | A Christmas Carol: Christmas Future

This week we wrap up our Christmas Carol series by looking into the future to Christmas' ahead. Join us as we finish the series by looking how Jesus gives us new hope for the future.


12.12.2021 | A Christmas Carol: Christmas Present

Join us as we continue our sermon series by looking at Christmas as it is today. This week we see how our past actions reflect on us today and how they shape us.


05.12.2021 | A Christmas Carol: Christmas Past

Join us as we start our new Sermon Series looking at A Christmas Carol and delving into Christmas Past, Christmas Present, and Christmas Future.


28.11.2021 | God's Perspective on Issues in SA Today: Part 5

Join us this week as we look at the final part of our sermon series dealing with God's Perspective on Issues Facing SA Today. This week we look at the origins of the Transgender Movement and How God can Save Us.


21.11.2021 | God's Perspective on Issues in SA Today: Part 4

Join us this week as we continue our sermon series looking at 'God's Perspective on Issues Facing SA Today'. This week we continue looking at the LGBTQ+ agenda by looking at The Bible, Gender, and Transgenderism.


14.11.2021 | God's Perspective on Issues in SA Today: Part 3

Join us as we continue looking at our sermon series dealing with 'God's Perspective on Issues Facing SA Today'. This week, we look at part 3 of our series as we look at what the Bible says about Gender and Transgenderism.


07.11.2021 | Welcoming Harvesters Ministries

Join us for a special service in which we hear from Harvesters Ministries about the amazing work they are doing in spreading the Gospel to over 60 countries around the world.


31.10.2021 | God's Perspective on Issues in SA Today: Part 2

This week we continue our sermon series on 'God's Perspective on Issues Facing SA Today'. This week we look at the call from ancestors to become a sangoma and how these calls are ones that you should not answer.


24.10.2021 | God's Perspective on Issues in SA Today: Part 1

This week we continue our sermon series on 'God's Perspective on Issues Facing SA Today'. This week we look at the call from ancestors to become a sangoma and how these calls are ones that you should not answer.


17.10.2021 | The Power & Purpose of Praise & Worship: Part 6

This week we close off our sermon series on the Power and Purpose of Praise and Worship by looking at Worship Without Words.


10.10.2021 | The Power & Purpose of Praise & Worship: Part 5

Watch the fifth part of our Praise and Worship sermon series as we look at the third section of words of the Father.


03.10.2021 | The Power & Purpose of Praise & Worship: Part 4

Join us for our fourth part of our Sermon Series looking at the Power and Purpose of Praise and Worship.


26.09.2021 | The Power & Purpose of Praise & Worship: Part 3

Join us for the third part of our series on the Power and Purpose of Praise and Worship. This week we will look at Biblical Words for Praise and Worship.


19.09.2021 | The Power & Purpose of Praise & Worship: Part 2

As we continue our sermon series on the Power and Purpose of Praise and Worship, this week we look at the three dimensions of praise and worship!


12.09.2021 | The Power & Purpose of Praise & Worship: Part 1

Join us as we start a new 3-part sermon series looking at the purpose of Praise and Worship. To start, we will look at Songs in the Night that God gives us.


05.09.2021 | Dealing with Pain-Based Anger

Join us as we delve into the world of anger and see how anger is sometimes the result of deep-rooted pain.


28.08.2021 | What God Wants Us To Learn from Covid: Part 7

Join us for the final part of our sermon series looking at What God Wants Us to Learn from Covid. This week, we look at finances and the new way that we need to work.


22.08.2021 | What God Wants Us To Learn from Covid: Part 6

Join us as we look at the penultimate part of our sermon series: What God Wants Us to Learn from Covid. This week we will look at the life of Daniel and how we should ensure that we keep our spiritual routines strong.


15.08.2021 | Open Doors: Forgiveness

Join us for a special service as we welcome Open Doors who are speaking on forgiveness and what Open Doors is all about.


08.08.2021 | What God Wants Us To Learn from Covid: Part 5

Join us as we continue our sermon series that deals with lessons that God wants us to learn from Covid. This week, we will look at how to stay encouraged!


01.08.2021 | Our Covenant with God

Join us as we restart our physical services with a special communion service as we look at our Covenant with God.


25.07.2021 | What God Wants Us To Learn from Covid: Part 4

Join us for part four of our sermon series as we look at the lessons that we can learn from Covid. This week, we will look at what the Bible says about how to deal with the loss of a loved one and the grief that comes with it.


18.07.2021 | What God Wants Us To Learn from Covid: Part 3

Join us for part three of our new sermon series as we look at the lessons that we can learn from Covid.


11.07.2021 | What God Wants Us To Learn from Covid: Part 2

Join us for part 2 of our new sermon series as we look at the lessons that we can learn from Covid and what God says about it. During this week's sermon, we will look at all the different lessons that we can learn from experiencing a death of someone that we know.


04.07.2021 | What God Wants Us to Learn from Covid: Part 1

Join us for the start of our new sermon series as we look at the lessons that we can learn from Covid and what God says about it. During the series, we will look at all the different ways Covid has affected life and what God's word has to say about it.


27.06.2021 | Spiritual Life-Skills: Part 12

Join us as we end our Spiritual Life-Skills series by looking at pushing your limits and moving from within your comfort zone to bigger and better things.


20.06.2021 | Samson's 6 Fatal Flaws

Join us for our online service as we celebrate our dads this Father's day. We will also look at the life of Samson and see the six fatal flaws that he made which kept him from his potential.


06.06.2021 | Spiritual Life-Skills: Part 11

Join us for the second last sermon in our Spiritual Life-Skills series. This week, we will look at diligence and the importance of hard work.


30.05.2021 | Spiritual Life Skills: Part 10

Join us as we continue with our Spiritual Life-Skills sermons series. This week we will look at the mind and our thoughts to see how they impact our lives.


23.05.2021 | The Purpose of Pentecost

Join us as we celebrate the arrival of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. We will be looking at the purpose of Pentecost and why it is such an important part of our Christian history.


16.05.2021 | Spiritual Life Skills: Part 9

Join us as we continue with our Spiritual Life-Skills sermon series. This week, we will look at our role in serving others


09.05.2021 | Wonder Women of Judges - Mother's Day 2021

Join us for our special Mother's Day service as we look at two Wonder Women in Judges 5.


02.05.2021 | Spiritual Life Skills: Part 8.4

Join us as we continue to look at the Spiritual Life-Skills series and look at how to not bomb at love.


18.04.2021 | Spiritual Life Skills: Part 8.2

Join us as we continue with our Spiritual Life-Skills sermon series. This week delve even deeper into one of the most important life skills available: Love! We will discover exactly how to develop TRUE love.


11.04.2021 | Spiritual Life Skills: Part 8.1

Join us as we continue with our Spiritual Life-Skills sermon series. This week, we will look at what is easily one of the most important life skills available: Love!


04.04.2021 | Resurrection Sunday 2021

Join us as we conclude our Holy Week 2021 sermon series: Symbols of the Saviour as we celebrate that He is Risen!


02.04.2021 | Good Friday 2021

Join us as we look at Good Friday and see how Jesus was crucified for our sins.


21.03.2021 | Spiritual Life Skills: Part 7

As we end our Spiritual Life-Skills sermon series, we will look at resilience and how to bounce back even better than before you fell.


14.03.2021 | Spiritual Life Skills: Part 6

As we continue with our Spiritual Life-Skills sermon series, today we will look at one of the most important skills: Prayer.


28.03.2021 | Palm Sunday 2021

Join us as we kick off Holy Week and our Symbols of the Saviour sermon series to celebrate Easter.


07.03.2021 | Spiritual Life Skills: Part 5

As we continue with our Spiritual Life-Skills Sermon Series, this week we will look at blessings and how to make the most of them by blessing others and yourself.


28.02.2021 | Spiritual Life Skills: Part 4

Join us as we continue with our Spiritual Life-Skills series. This week, we will look at how to manage feedback. From our reaction to feedback to the way we will implement it, we will look at all the different types of feedback and what to do when receiving them.


21.02.2021 | Spiritual Life Skills: Part 3

Join us as we continue looking at the Spiritual Life-Skills series. This week, we will be looking at repentance and what it means.


14.02.2021 | Spiritual Life Skills: Part 2

Join us this Valentines day as we continue our Spiritual Life-Skills Sermon Series. Today, we will be looking at Self-Determination and how to get yourself going.


07.02.2021 | Spiritual Life Skills: Part 1

Join us as we look at the two different types of life skills that make up who we are. As we launch this series, we will look at all the different life-skills available.


31.01.2021 | The Battle Belongs to the Lord

Join us as we look at the battles that we face in life and how all of these battles belong to the Lord to fight on our behalf.


24.01.2021 | Sowing Prayer Seeds

Join us as we look at how to sow prayer seeds into our lives to help us grow for the future.


17.01.2021 | Fasting: Debunking the Myths

Join us as we look at all the myths that surround fasting and replace these with the truths relating to it.

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